DOW FILMTEC™ NF90-400/34i
Used In
Production of drinking water
Industrial water demineralization
Water reuse
Delivers high productivity and cleanability due to its high active area and widest cleaning pH range (1 – 13) tolerance
Offers a nanofiltration technology that selectively removes these components, color and operates at low operating pressures
Including iLEC™ interlocking end caps, reducing system operating costs and the risk of o-ring leaks that can cause poor water quality
DOW FILMTEC™ NF270-400/34i
Used In
Production of municipal drinking water
Provides organic removal with partial softening in order to maintain a minimum level of hardness for organoleptic properties and preservation of distribution networks
- Delivers high productivity, cleanability and low energy consumption due to its high active area and wide cleaning pH range (1 – 12) tolerance
Includes iLEC™ interlocking end caps, reducing system operating costs and the risk of o-ring leaks that can cause poor water quality
Used In
Recovery of metals from acid mine drainage streams
Helps reduce the acid mine drainage (AMD) stream, ultimately reducing CAPEX and OPEX
- Enhances concentration and recovery of valuable metals from AMD waters
Provides high permeability, and low pH stability enabling longer element lifetime and more reliable operation